Chinese celebrities – Yue Fei

 Yue Fei (March 24, 1103-January 27, 1142), a native of Tangyin, Xiangzhou (now Tangyin County, Henan Province ), was born with the word Pengju. In the Southern Song Dynasty, famous generals, strategists, strategists, national heroes, calligraphers, and poets Southern Song Dynasty ranked first among the " Four Generals of Zhongxing ".

Yue Fei has joined the army four times since he was twenty. From the second year of Jianyan (1128) to the eleventh year of Shaoxing (1141) from Zongze to Shaoxing, he participated in and commanded hundreds of battles. When the Jin Army attacked Jiangnan, it was unique, fighting against Jin and regaining Jiankang. In the four years of Shaoxing (1134), the six counties of Xiangyang were recovered. In the sixth year of Shaoxing (1136), he led his army to the Northern Expedition and successfully captured Changzhou, Guizhou, and other places. Shaoxing years (1140), finished Yan Zongbi destroyed UNITA attack Song, Yue Fei troops on the Northern Expedition, Two Rivers people excitedly spread the news around the volunteers to have to respond, attack the Golden Army. The Yuejia Army successively recovered Zhengzhou, Luoyang, and other places defeated the Golden Army in Licheng and Yingchang and marched into Zhuxian Town. Song Gaozong Zhao Gou and Prime Minister Qin Hui insisted on seeking peace and urged the class teachers with twelve " Golden Plates ". During the Song-Jin peace talks, Yue Fei was falsely imprisoned by Qin Hui, Zhang Jun, and others. In January 1142, he was murdered along with his eldest son Yue Yun and general Zhang Xian on unwarranted charges. Song Xiao Zhong, the rehabilitated Gaizang in West River Xixia Ling, after Shi Wu Mu, and then after Shi Zhong Wu, Wang Feng Hubei.
Yue Fei was an outstanding commander in the Southern Song Dynasty. He valued the people’s anti-gold forces and created a plan to " connect the rivers and mountains". He advocated the cooperation between the civilian anti-gold rebel army and the Song army to the north of the Yellow River to regain lost land, And able to empathize with his subordinates, set an example, and lead the "Yue Family Army" known as "frozen to death without tearing down the house, starving to death without taking captives." Jin Jun had the comment that "shaking the mountain is easy, shaking the Yue family's army is difficult" to show his sincere admiration for the Yue family's army.
Yue Fei's literary talent is equally outstanding, and his representative poem " Man Jiang Hong: Anger and Crown "  is a patriotic masterpiece passed down through the ages, and a collection of anthologies has been handed down to the world.
Yue Fei Tattoo

Main influence

Strategic thinking

Among the generals in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, Yue Fei was an offensive coach who dared to take the initiative to attack, compared with Liu Qi, Wu Jie, and other generals' conservative defense combat characteristics. He had an understanding of the military tradition of passive defense in the Song Dynasty. He once criticized Song Ting for “only ordering self-defense and waiting for the enemy, not daring to attack from a distance to win” [291]. Although the strategic policy was hindered by Song Gaozong and the imperial court, Yue Fei organized large-scale offensive campaigns such as the first, second, and fourth Northern Expedition, which changed the defensive position of the Song Army’s passive beatings; The frontal confrontation with the Jurchen cavalry in the terrain and time that was most conducive to the Jurchen cavalry's might was unique at that time. In the early Southern Song Dynasty, the only commander with the determination and ability to recover lost ground was Yue Fei, who became the consensus of the times. Fan Chengzhi once wrote to rescue Yue Fei: "The situation is not destroyed, and the power of flying is still stable." The Song ambassador Hong Hao, who was detained by the Jinren, "the one who was greatly afraid of the captives" was Yue Fei, and even Twenty years after Yue Fei, the Jinren still said that "Yue Fei will not die, but Dajin will be destroyed".
Aiming at the characteristics of Jinbing's strong military force, inferior ruling methods, and popular resistance, Yue Fei inherited and implemented the purpose of Li Gang, Zong Ze, and others to attach importance to non-governmental resistance to gold, and formulated the policy of " connecting rivers and mountains " to defend against the enemy. Yue Fei often sent people to contact the leaders of the Zhongyi Militia Shanshui Village in Hebei and Hedong and sent a large number of to sneak into the enemy's territory to instigate the Zhongyi Militia to cooperate with them. [294]  The loyal and righteous militiamen who were swept by the Jin army mostly used the Yue family barracks as their destination when they went south, which in turn enabled the Yue family army to grasp more military intelligence in the north. In Yue Fei's Fourth Northern Expedition, the Yue Family Army and the Northern Civilian Anti-Gold Rebellion Army fought together, attacked the Jin Army, and recovered many states and counties. This was inseparable from Yue Fei's strategic deployment of "connecting rivers and mountains".

Brave and benevolent

Yue Fei is brave and good at fighting, but he never regards killing as fun, "loving things with benevolence" and does not kill recklessly. He once talked with Zhang Jun about military tactics, saying: "benevolence, faith, wisdom, courage, and strictness are indispensable." Put "benevolence" at the top of the five virtues. During the rebellion in Qiancheng, empress Meng of song Zhezong was disturbed. Zhao Gou ordered Yue Fei to slaughter the city. Yue Fei risked many times to plead for mercy and saved the whole city. When they attacked Cao Cheng, Yang Mo, and other forces, they often only executed the leaders and released the rest of the party. In the anti-gold war, Yue Fei "trusted the enemy with his faithfulness" and ordered his subordinates not to commit suicide without permission, which made some Jurchen soldiers and the conscripted army "have the intention of being attached with love".
Yue Fei sympathized with the people's sufferings and was often worried when he called for military food. He said, "the people in the southeast are wasting their resources extremely! The state relies on the people to build the country and makes Ercao waste it. If he fails to make great achievements, how can he serve the country? " He attached great importance to the development of production and tried to make proper arrangements for the displaced people in the defense area. Sometimes he allocated military grain for relief, and prohibited the army from robbing and harassing the people. Under his strict management of the army, Yue's army insisted on "freezing and killing, not demolishing houses, starving and killing, not fighting captivity". Everywhere they went, the people were all happy, and even "raised their hands to increase the amount of money, and they were filled with admiration.
Yue Fei not only managed the army strictly but also paid attention to loving nurses. When he went out to garrison or battle, he ordered his wife, Li WA, to visit the family members of the soldiers all over the place, to ask for help with gold and silk. When fighting, he simply asked the soldiers to "hold the gun in hand and swallow with saliva in the mouth, then they were brave.". The wounded and the wounded expressed their sympathy in person, and even made medicine by themselves; the war dead expressed their condolence, raised their widows, "or married their daughters with their sons".


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