In addition to 985 and 211, these are the top ten universities in Shandong Province


 At this time of the year, it is time for universities to rank seniors. Because they need to fill in the form of volunteers, in order to win first-hand good students, it must be more difficult. However, in terms of the strength of colleges and universities, Shandong is actually quite embarrassed. Despite the constant clamour in Shandong, Shandong is a big province of education and culture. However, the 985 and 211 universities in Shandong Province, together with Nanjing, do not have a lot of things. In addition to 985 and 211, there are many good universities in Shandong. Here's a list of the top ten universities in Shandong Province# Shandong University#


Shandong University

Needless to say, the school ranked first. In the eyes of Shandong parents, there are only three best universities, Tsinghua University, Peking University and Shanda University, Shandong University, 985 and 211 are both first-class, with century old quality, Shandong appearance, postgraduate entrance examination and civil service examination after graduation, and there are advantages in making friends. Twenty years ago, Shandong University was formed by merging the original Shandong University, Shandong Medical University and Shandong University of Technology into a comprehensive university. This operation is very similar to that of Zhejiang University in the south. Unfortunately, one plus one in Shandong does not have the same effect as Zhejiang University.


Ocean University of China

Ocean University of China is another 985 in addition to Shandong University in Shandong Province. It is located in the beautiful coastal city of Qingdao. It is worth mentioning that Ocean University of China has been ranked as the most beautiful campus in China for many times because of its beautiful campus appearance. It is also the place where many campus romance novels happened. Flowers are everywhere and beautiful women are like clouds. It is the only choice for handsome seniors and the target for shy students.


China University of Petroleum(East China)

There are many campuses of China University of Petroleum, including Beijing Campus, Karamay Campus of Beijing Campus, East China Campus. East China Campus in Shandong used to be in Dongying, Shandong Province. However, in 2021, the school moved to Qingdao as a whole. With the change of school geology, the score also rose. There are many boys in Chinese schools, so it is very easy for girls to find a partner.


Qingdao University

The highest score in Qingdao University is in medicine. The Affiliated Hospital of Youth Medicine is the top three top three hospital in Shandong Province, and also the best hospital in Qingdao, with great strength. In fact, Qingdao University is really not ready for the comprehensive strength. It is the only university in Shandong that does not have a B-level discipline among the top universities, but it cannot support the reputation of Qingdao. Outsiders just recognize the brand of Qingdao.


 Shandong Normal University

Shandong Normal University is called Shanshi for short. Shanshi is one of the schools that Shandong examinees especially like to apply for the exam. The recognition in the province is quite high, so high that everyone doesn't care whether it is 211 or 985. On this platform of all primary and secondary schools in Shandong Province, a considerable number of teachers are teachers from Shandong Province. The teacher force of Shandong Province is the best teacher training college in Shandong Province.


Shandong University of Science and Technology

Normally, the sixth place was reserved for Shandong University of Finance and Economics. There was no way out. This year, Shanke had a big story. A few days ago, an authoritative organization made a ranking. Two majors of Shandong science and technology ranked in the top 100 in the world, and mining engineering ranked in the top 10 in the world, becoming the only discipline in the province to enter the top 10 in the world. In the discipline ranking, Shandong Science and Technology ranked fifth among the non double first-class universities in China. The former Shandong University of Science and Technology was stronger than Qingdao University. Due to various reasons, Shanke is not as famous as Qingdao University. Although the main campus of Shanke is also located in Qingdao, its sense of existence is far from that of Qingdao University.


Shandong University of Finance and Economics

In fact, financial colleges and universities are popular in all provinces. Shancai ranks fairly well in financial colleges and universities nationwide. One reason is that it is famous in Shandong, and the other reason is that it has several advantages in financial disciplines. However, there is still a gap between Shancai and the top tier financial universities. In addition, you should continue to work hard for other majors besides financial majors.


Qingdao University of Science and Technology

In fact, Qingdao University of Science and Technology is a rising star. Before, it had no strength to rank in the top ten, but it could not support others' schools in Qingdao. Moreover, the name "Qingdao" has been added to its name. Sometimes choosing cities is as important as choosing schools. Of course, Qingdao Science and Technology does have strength, and chemical rubber is its flagship specialty.


Shandong Agricultural University

In fact, it is a grievance to place the mountain farmers here. The mountain farmers are very strong in agricultural research. There are 12 mobile postdoctoral research stations alone, and there are many key laboratories of national key disciplines. However, the mountain farmers are embarrassed by their geographical location. In Tai'an, Shandong, Tai'an has limited the development of Shandong Agricultural University to a certain extent.


Jinan University or Qufu Normal University

As a famous postgraduate entrance examination base, Qufu Normal University still has its strength, which, with the endorsement of Confucius, is quite nourishing. Although Jinan University is under the joint management of the Ministry of Education and Jinan, Jinan University is particularly embarrassed by the city's reputation, especially its temperament.



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