Shandong University of Finance and Economics









Title of work: "Twilight Addiction"
Photographer: Wu Bingling
Instructor: Zheng Yan
Photographer's identity information: 2019 undergraduate of School of Literature, Journalism and Communication, Shandong University of Finance and Economics
Shooting date and time: October 17, 2020, in the evening
Location: Shungeng Campus of Shandong University of Finance and Economics
Creation idea: Just like Li Ronghao's lyrics, "In the book, I always like to write about the evening when I am overjoyed.", I think the evening is the most attractive time of the day. The buildings in Shungeng Campus of Shandong University of Finance and Economics have been built for a long time, so it bears a unique taste of time. The sun shines on the building through the cracks in the leaves and sprinkles on the grass and the ground. It is very comfortable to see it every time. This group of photos was taken in the evening. I hope that through this group of photos, you can also feel a bit of its charm, and you can also feel my feelings.


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